Saturday, January 26, 2008


Here's the link to the painting progress. We were having some problems picking the right kitchen color, but I think we're set and will start making progress again. We need to finish the kitchen so we can put the fridge and stove back in there and stop having to eat out everyday.


I have a Google Picasa web photo album of our home improvement projects. This string of projects all started because we need to replace our carpet (really badly). Since we wanted to also replace the linoleum and paint at somepoint, it only makes sense to do it now while we don't care if we spill paint on the old carpet. I also want the carpet people to butt the carpet to the new tile instead of me trying to butt the tile to the new carpet, so the tile has to go in first. Go here to see the progress on our tiling project.

Five dead after car crashes off end of private airstrip

This headline came from; here's the link.
It's weird to say I'm glad these idiots are dead, but I am. This way the story made it into the national media and maybe some of these idiots will think twice before they use a runway for a drag strip. I think this is becoming a big issue and that people don't yet realize it's seriousness. I personally (and my now wife) were almost killed due to this same thing. I was landing at night at Anoka County (Jane's Field) just outside of Minneapolis, MN. Since it was dark out, I couldn't see the 2 cars racing towards me. They had their headlights off and were racing each other with only their running lights on. I didn't see them until I was about 50 feet above the runway. I firewalled the throttle and overflew them as I climbed back up. If I hadn't seen them, there would have been at least 4 people killed that night (not including any passengers they might have had). I called the police after I landed. Of course the racers were gone by then, but the officer said they have had similar complaints before. Hopefully the new security requirements at airports make it harder for people to gain access to airport runways. I truly hope the people who are caught for this kind of crap aren't just slapped on the wrist or charged with trespassing. It needs to be a felony for reckless behavior or something so that it doesn't become a bigger problem.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Here are a few pics of my new airplane.

Michelle and me in front of our new airplane. It's a 1979 Cessna 182Q Skylane with GPS, digital nav/comms, and air conditioning.

First time flying my new airplane (other than the test flight).

Flight Tracking

This is pretty cool, you can track my airplane when I go flying (see the link below). It looks like it bases it's info from flight controllers. This means that I'm only tracked when I'm on an IFR flight plan, and maybe tracked when I'm on a VFR flight plan with flight following. Since I'm not currently legal, I don't file IFR even when it's severe clear. I hope to regain my currency this summer.

By the way, the last flight that was recorded (as of 19 Jan 08), was the flight on 26 Dec 07, when Maynard and Duaine flew it from Detroit to Manitowoc. They flew it over for me to test fly and have a pre-purchase inspection completed. Since that all went well, I bought the airplane on the 27th. Merry X-mas to me!

First post

This is the first post of my first blog. Life today was pretty normal, slept in since it's the weekend. We did a bunch of housework. I finished installing the new garage door yesterday and prepped the dining room and kithcn walls for painting. We also got around to putting the first coat of paint on the kitchen (tan) and dining room (red). Hopefully this round of home improvements will be finished by the end of February. We still have to paint all of the interior rooms, then get everything into the garage to have the carpet replaced. We won't get much done yesterday because the Packers are playing!

I had been planning on flying back to WI this weekend to fly my airplane back to CA, but that didn't happen because the weather wasn't that great. When the skies were good, it was too cold (-4 deg) and windy. I'll try again in a few weeks.