Sunday, December 20, 2009
I need more practice...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Space Shuttle Discovery Landing
Friday, November 13, 2009
Visualizing IFR approaches
Here is the 3D approach for VOR-B at WJF.
Here is the 2D ILS-25 approach into Palmdale, CA (KPMD) just south-east of WJF. I received vectors to the final approach course and was limited to a 3000 ft DH by the tower instead of the published 2703 ft.
Here is the 3D ILS-25 approach at PMD. My DH was limited on this approach, that's why it doesn't look like I get very low to the ground.
After the ILS, I had enough fun for the day so I decided to head back home to Inyokern. Now I just have to do some more reviewing, finish my checklists, and then start flying with a safety pilot on my way back to regaining my IFR currency.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Catching up on posting flight videos
N951CC flies to Flabob (Riverside)
I've got so many videos to catch up on; we've been too busy doing things and not catching up on posting them. Here is a flight that we took to Flabob (KRIR) near Riverside CA. The weather was excellent, visibility forever and smooth winds out of the north.
I've heard many people talk about the turbulence in Cajon Pass, but I was naive thinking it would be fine since the air was so smooth. Since Flabob is just south of the pass, I started my descent early and flew down into the pass so I wouldn't have to circle to lose altitude over the airport. That is when it hit. I immediately slowed the airplane down since I like my wings intact and we were climbing 1500 - 2000 ft/min at the min cruise power setting and 10 degrees of flap. Michelle says this was about the worse turbulence she has ever flown in, but wasn't as bad since it was real short (only 5-10 minutes until we cleared the pass) and it was plenty cool. The heat is what really makes the turbulence bad.
We flew well over the Ontario class C airspace and I circled to descend just east of the airport. After I finally made it down to pattern altitude, I entered flying an upwind entry to westbound runway. It became interesting when we turned downwind to notice that there was a mountain right in the way for my base turn. It decided we'd cut inside the mountain for a short base/final instead of flying all the long way around. Surprisingly, I made the approach just fine, there were plenty of opportunities to instigate a go-around; I would have gone around the mountain the second time.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
American Engineering
My airplane has over 14,000 hours on it, the engine has over 2,000 hours on it, and it cruises at 133 kts true airspeed. The rough estimates say that my engine has about 350,000 miles on it and the airplane has flown well over 2 million miles! I know that comparing cars and airplanes is a poor example since much more maintenance is put into an airplane over it's lifetime, but I thought that 2 million miles was pretty impressive.
I do have all the original logbooks and the previous owners did log the segments for each flight so there is a possibility that I might actually be able to calculate a much more accurate estimate (I'll never know how many miles were travelled in holding patterns or out of the way sight seeing). I doubt I'll go through that effort since there are 60 or 70 logbooks of flights and that entering each flight would take forever.
Now I better get back to work before someone says American engineers don't work very hard...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Feed Reader Issues
I think Google bought out feedburner or something and screwed up this feed. Hopefully this works for you, let me know if it doesn't.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
N951CC finally flies to Catalina
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Lame video to break the silence
Friday, August 14, 2009
Home to WI to visit the Brouchoud family
Wednesday we met Joe for breakfast and went to see my mom's property and Cedar Lake. Thursday, we went to visit my brother Jeff and took a tour of his company, this was Michelle's first time there. We continued on and stayed the night at Jon's after dinner at Famous Dave's. Friday, I headed for Oshkosh while my parents drove Michelle to Milwaukee to visit her family. I took a tour of the A380 that was ok I guess, but took an hour and a half of my day and I ran out of time at the end. I didn't have time to wander through the airplanes, talk to the Cessnas to Oshkosh crowd, find the CAP or Angel Flight, but I did manage to check out some engine monitors and some portable oxygen setups. I ended up buying an Aerox system that gave me a pretty good show special. Now we'll be able to fly up higher where the airplane is more efficient, the air is smoother and cooler, and I can get stronger tailwinds. It'll also give me more margin when we're flying through/over the mountains. Michelle gets a kick out of the cannula she'll wear that looks like a moustache. I'm thinking about going with the Insight G3 engine monitor although they still aren't on the market and have been 'almost there' for a few years now.
After Oshkosh I headed to meet Michelle and Katie in Milwaukee to begin our visit with her family. That'll have to be a separate post since I'm getting tired and I don't have that video compiled yet.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Some recent flights
The forecast is too hot for camping this weekend (7/18/09) so we decided just to fly for lunch. We've never been to Porterville and I see they supposedly have camping on the airport. This gave us a chance to check out the campground and see if we'd come back and camp another time. The campground was nice grass with very nice shade trees and bathrooms. The restaurant said the airport will turn off the sprinklers if people are camping so you don't have to worry about that. Even though the campground is nice, there really isn't much to do there. It would be nice for transient camping or for an airshow, but not for just camping.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Ken Block at IYK (from cell phone)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Ken Block on Top Gear at Inyokern Airport
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Father's Day Fly-in
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Katies First Camping Trip (camping)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Katies First Camping Trip (flight)
Monday, June 8, 2009
I'm so out of shape, camping delayed

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Space Shuttle Atlantis Landing
Monday, May 11, 2009
Katie goes flying for Mother's Day
I pinched one of the silicon ear plugs into two so they would be smaller, making 3 might have been a better size. She doesn't like me putting them in her ears, but is fine with them once they are in. They stuck there really well with no problems of them coming out. She also wore the headset in case they would have fallen out. She is just learning to suck on a pacifier so we weren't sure how it would work for flying. At first she would just have it in her mouth, but not suck and eventually it would fall out. Michelle ended up holding it there, but she started sucking on it and fell asleep about 5 or so minutes into flight. On the way back, she was sleeping before we took off. She never cried or had any problems in the airplane and the pacifier seemed to be sufficient for sucking for the pressure changes
I flew at 4,500 feet on the way down to Cal City and 5,500 feet on the way back and the round trip time was only 0.7 hours.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mark visits Katie for the weekend
Saturday, April 11, 2009
N951CC goes flying to find desert flowers
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Flight over the Grand Canyon
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Announcing Katherine (Katie) Lyn Brouchoud
Michelle began labor at 5pm on Thursday 3/12, these were light and far apart, and we weren't sure yet if this was labor or pre-labor contractions. Michelle had contractions all Thursday night and I tried to record the time of each one, but there were gaps in the recording for a few hours were I apparently fell asleep since her contractions didn't stop. Friday I took the morning off from work since we had a dr. appt at 8am. The doctor measured her at 3-4cm and said he'd probably see us in the hospital before the end of the weekend. Michelle continued having contractions all day Friday so I decided to stay home from work.
We went out to Wal-Mart to buy a stopwatch since my memory is so short that I was forgetting when the contractions started/ended before I wrote them down and to get a change of scenery for a bit. We started recording the timing of her contractions more accurately around 7:20 pm. At this point, they were around 6-9 minutes apart so we had some time to wait. Our plan was to wait until they were 5 minutes apart or her water broke. For a short period of time the time between extended, but we weren't sure because Michelle was going to the bathroom often and wasn't sure if she was having minor ones in the bathroom. There very well could have been more contractions in there that would have shorted up the time between. At around 9:30 pm I was estimating the contractions to be 6 minutes apart, but by 10:15 pm or so after she had several that were 3.5 - 6 minutes apart so it was time to go.
Michelle had a few more contractions while I packed the cooler and our bags into the car. She had another one in the garage as we were about to leave and 2 more on the short ride to the hospital. She had another one while we were waiting at the registration desk for a nurse escort. She was checked at 10:30pm and was 4cm and they slowed way down to about 8-10 minutes apart. The nurses assigned to Michelle during the night were Meagan and Ania. The nurses asked if we really wanted to stay vs going back home since Michelle would have to go onto the monitor if we stayed. After a short talk where I said that I really thought it was time to come and if we went home, we'd probably come right back in since I wouldn't know when it really was the right time, we decided to stay. We also felt more at ease about staying since they would allow Michelle to not wear the monitor and walk around if she signed a waiver. They also said that she could get up and stand and move around even if she was being monitored as long as they kept good readings. Around 11:30pm, her contractions started picking back up and were about 4 minutes apart so we were comfortable with our decision to stay.
Michelle was starting to lose her confidence that she would be able to make it all the way through the labor since she hadn't progressed all day. I allowed the nurses to test Michelle's blood so that she would be allowed an epidural if needed. The nurse said she could wait a long time until she was 8 cm before they wouldn't allow her to get it. This was good because it relaxed Michelle knowing it was available pretty much on command, but didn't have to commit just yet. I asked her not to make any decisions until after her next check to see if there was any progress. The next check was at 1:30am now on the 14th and she was 6 cm. With the good news that she was progressing, she regained her confidence that she could pull this off and there were no more times were she requested medication.
At 3:30 Michelle said that she felt her body pushing just at the peak of a contraction. She wasn't really feeling the urge to push, but more that her body would surge at the peak of a contraction and that if felt like it was a push. The nurse said that if she was pushing, then she had to stay in the bed. They also checked her during a contraction and said that she was now at 7 cm. Michelle's contractions were much more painful if she laid on her side so she was pretty much bed ridden on her back (with the bed in a sitting type position). After an hour or so, she became very uncomfortable sitting and her tailbone was sore, but she was stuck in the bed. Her contractions got closer together and much more painful; she was now going through "transition". Eventually sleep deprivation from this night and Thursday night was taking over and Michelle was starting to doze off between contractions. I thought that the contractions were slowing down and were less powerful so I talked to a nurse to make sure this was ok if she fell asleep and they slowed down. I was worried they would say she was "failing to progress" and push for drug augmentation or cesarean section. The nurse said that her body will have the contractions and do what it needs to do regardless of if she sleeps or not.
Michelle dozed off between contractions and even through a few between 4:30 and 6:30am. We both think she was still in transition, but was just too exhausted so she was able to sleep through part of the hardest phase of labor. I tried to stay awake to comfort her the times she did wake up, and I think I did ok. I did doze off a few times, but I think I was up for every contraction even the ones she slept through. The nurse came in at 5:30am and told me that Michelle would be checked again soon, but they got busy with other women in labor and didn't actually come until later. Michelle was pretty much done dozing off around 6am while we waited for the nurse to come and check her.
Finally the nurse came at 7am and checked Michelle and said she was between 7 and 8 cm and that her bag of waters was bulging. Michelle had a few more contractions and maybe the third after being checked, her water broke. She hurried to the bathroom while I hurried to unplug her from the monitor. I told the nurses and they came and cleaned up the bed. Around this time, the nurses changed to the morning shift and Darleen was now in charge of Michelle. Darleen is a certified midwife and was great for Michelle. She suggested a few positions that helped out a lot and was very supportive. She told Michelle not to hold back during her contractions and to push if it felt good to push. Prior to this, she wasn't yet trying to push since she was only 7-8 cm. The nurse checked Michelle a few times and she was initially at 8 cm, but after just a few contractions while being checked she said she was now at 9 cm.
Michelle started active pushing around 8:00am while I held one of her legs back and Darleen held the other back. This early pushing Michelle did on her right side since it now felt better for her to be on her side. I held up her leg as I put pressure on her tailbone for her comfort. The nurse began with the perineal massage. Around 9:00am, Dr. Miller came in and broke the bottom part of the table down in preparation for delivery. Michelle was now on her back in the typical pose for delivering a baby. The doctor had a large basin of cotton balls soaked in warm water that he was using to wash the baby as she crowned. Katherine Lyn Brouchoud was born at 9:12 am and was quickly given to Michelle. I cut the umbilical cord once the doctor had it clamped off. The placenta was delivered around 9:25 am.
Once Katie was born, there was a flurry of activity. The doctor sewed Michelle back up since she tore naturally. While this was going on, the nurses cleaned up the baby, did a glucose test (had to prick her foot for blood), weighed the baby and several other things I can't think of now. It wasn't too long until we had Katie to ourselves and the nursing tasks died down.
The birth was a huge success and Michelle was successful in having the drug free birth she had been working towards. We took "Bradley" classes for 12 weeks 2 hours a week learning how to relax and deal with the pain. Katie was born on March 14, previously known as Pi day (before becoming Katie's birthday) 19 days late (she was due 2/23) and was 7 lbs 4 oz, and 20 inches long. Her hands and feet had very wrinkled skin and her arms and legs were peeling slightly; a sign of being born late. Her belly and between her legs still had a lot of vernix, which meant she wasn't late. The maturity test also put her right at 40 weeks. Michelle's labor was 40 hours long, and she was pushing for about an hour. Katie is perfectly healthy and has latched on and started to feed. We were released from the hospital at 2:00 pm on 3/15. The dogs are very curious about Katie and have been anxious to sniff her. We've been letting them smell her a little at a time and they are doing well so far.
Babie Katherine Lyn Brouchoud Pictures!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Baby Hearing Protection
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm going to cheat!
More fish

Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Baby Room: Animal Paintings
I just finished the first video of the first animal we received back, the Zebra from my mom. This was an experiment since I had to figure out how to speed up the video so that it wouldn't be an hour and a half long and boring. I ended up having to create a temporary video since the software will only let me compress it 10x, but I needed to compress it 60x to get it down to an appropriate size. Not to hard to compress it 10x then load the compressed video as an original and compress another 6x and add photos.
Here is the video. I'll post the videos of the animals soon (I think all that have been sent back have been painted), but I can't create a video if you haven't sent your animal back yet...